Hi, I’m Lore Bergman, and I am running for U.S. House of Representatives, for the Congressional 6th District, against the Republican incumbent John Rose. I am running for many reasons, because there are so many issues to fight for right now. The world is on fire due to the climate crisis and wars, and we must end terrorism, help our allies, BUT always protect the innocent people caught in the crossfire. Hate, bigotry and racism are growing at alarming rates, and democracies and voting rights, are being attacked all over the world. The US House of Representatives is a mess, embarrassing our country, putting our own national security in danger and weakening our image in the eyes of the world. And the present representative of district 6, John Rose, is contributing to the chaos with his extreme MAGA views and votes.
As the only woman in this race, I will fight for all woman’s rights and the right to have control over our own bodies. I will fight to end the insanity of gun violence and will always advocate for stricter and common-sense gun laws, and for the banning of assault weapons and automatic type weapons permanenetly, and not books or black history. And I stand with all veterans and police officers, who agree that there is no need for weapons of war in our homes or on our streets. Presently guns seem to have more rights, than children or us women do. Right? I will fight that all Social Security programs, HUD and affordable housing, SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, drug prices, eyeglasses, hearing aids and all the other programs that help the most vulnerable will be improved and expanded, not gutted, and that all Americans will finally get health care and have a hospital close by. And by the way, the reason all our rural hospitals are closing, is because the Republicans refuse to expand Medicaid. I will also fight for immigrants, so that they can have a speedier path toward work visas and citizenship, and that they will be treated with empathy and cruelty free policies and border reforms. And that all parents and the gay community can decide how they and their children will live.
Trying to run for office has been a huge endeavor, and I have been told if you aren’t rich or have rich friends, you don’t have a chance. Well, I have something else. I have many personal experiences, including political organizing, activism and being an advocate for the elderly and disabled, including veterans. And I am proud to say that just recently, I have received the Gun Sense Distinction from Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety. The results of gun violence are now considered America’s worst health crisis and I will do everything in my power to change that.
All my life experiences have convinced me to run. They have given me great empathy and understanding, which will serve me well when I am representing the 6th District. I needed women’s reproductive health care when I had a miscarriage years ago and I shudder to think what I would have to go through today, to get the help I need, now. It’s hard to believe that my grandmother had more rights 2 years ago, than my college age niece has now. I became homeless when I fought a landlord who was harming the disabled and the elderly in my apartment building. He retaliated against me, pushing me out of my apartment and within less than a year I was living in my car, and did so until I could find affordable housing again. My dog and I barely survived. So, believe me when I say, “I will put myself on the line for you”, I will, because I have already done so, and I will do it again, if necessary. I am a first generation American, from a long line of immigrants, from the former Yugoslavia. I know how hard immigrants work and that the majority by far, are good people and deserve to be treated with humanity and respect. I know how hard it is to deal with childhood sexual abuse, because I have had to heal from it, and I stand with all survivors, and their right to prosecute their abusers, without any time limits. I was raised in an extreme religion, and understand how people can be easily sucked into cult like groups, and deceived. And as a disabled American, I understand what it is like to need help from the government and how all the programs work, because I have had to actually use them. All these experiences will guide me as I represent the people of the 6th District.
The disabled are very underrepresented in Washington, and Congress needs our perspective. Living with a disability is something I know all too well, because I was born with some crazy genetics, and I know that the very programs that are made to help, need many changes and improvements and I have many ideas about how that can be done. I am so tired of hearing rich congressmen, like John Rose, speak about programs they know nothing about and never will. They want to gut programs that are needed for the most disadvantaged and poor people in this country and state. I want to literally pull my hair out when I hear them speak about how they plan to balance the federal budget. They cause great anxiety and panic for the most vulnerable in this country that are already barely surviving, when these Republicans threaten their stupid ideas to cut programs like Social Security. It is wrong and it needs to stop! And by the way, the federal budget could be balanced, but the majority in the House refuse to tax the super-rich, because certain Congressmen are the super-rich, and are also receiving “donations” or basically bribes, to vote the way their donors desire. And once again John Rose fits this description, because he is in the top 25 riches members in Congress today and that includes the Senate. Oh, and corporate money, dark money and Citizens United need to be removed from our political system!! As I stated before, I became homeless fighting for the most disadvantaged and I can guarantee, that I will fight for the disabled, elderly, poor and disadvantaged again and I have pages of legislative ideas for that, and I can’t wait to bring it to the floor of Congress.
Tennessee is one of the poorest states in the country and District 6 has much poverty. And all over the country and Tennessee, more children and adults are hungry and homeless than ever before. We need to make sure that all the counties in our state are being represented and treated fairly, not just the few counties we have in our state that are doing well. We need new jobs and affordable housing throughout the whole district, good schools and libraries for all children, and healthcare finally for all Americans. And by the way, I believe healthcare is a human right. And then, let’s not forget our farmers who need to be able to get the help they need also, so we can grow our own products here in America again and that farmers can make a good living doing it. I will make sure that all the people, including the most vulnerable people in District 6 will be heard, and that I represent them well in Washington! I hope you will help me accomplish all these goals. Please join my “Love thy Neighbor” campaign by donating, volunteering and of course voting for me! And remember, if you want something done right, ask a woman! Thank You.
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