Women should once again and permanently have the right to CHOOSE their own reproductive care needs, including care for abortions, miscarriages and any other care that has to do with their reproductive systems, including contraception. When a woman does not have the right to make decisions about her own body, she is not a free citizen.
Woman should have the right to be paid equally for the same job as a man. We have been fighting this one way too long.
Child marriage needs to be abolished in all 50 states. 44 states still allow underage children to be married. The large majority are young underage girls, marrying much older adult men. They are usually forced to marry their abusers in most cases, which protects the abusers from prosecution. It is disgusting and reprehensible and must stop!
Victims of sexual abuse including males, should be able to report their abuse and prosecute, without time limits. 34 states still have time limits as to when a child or adult can report their abuse and prosecute their abusers.
12 million girls around the world are victims of child marriage.
- The community will have the same rights as the straight community.
- Codify the right of gay couples to marry
- Protection from discrimination of any kind.
- Gay parents will have the same rights to adopt a child and will go through the same requirements as a straight couple and will not be discriminated against.
- Transgender persons have a right to be who they want to be without discrimination, threats, or fear.
- Drag shows should be considered a performance art, like any other show, and should not be considered a political issue. It should be protected under the 1st amendment.
- Parents should decide what to do about their own child’s health care needs, including transgender issues.
- Parents should decide what their own children should read and study.
- Stop the insanity!! Gun violence is the number one killer of children in this country!!!!
- Stricter gun laws and red flag laws.
- Guns need to be kept out of the hands of the mentally ill and the addicted.
- I stand with the police and veterans who agree that assault weapons of any type, need to be kept off the streets and out of the homes of Americans. These are machines of war, invented for nothing else but killing as many people as quickly as possible.
- Hate and discrimination must be punished.
- More judges and legal help to speed up immigration status.
- Cruelty-free and humane border policies
- A final and clear path to citizenship for all immigrants and DACA recipients.
- Faster path to work permits.
- New and common-sense ideas for the border.
- Overhaul of outdated 30-year-old border security policies
Take money out of politics, so the fossil fuel industry cannot bribe politicians while they watch the earth die.
- More clean energy, less fossil fuels.
- Protect the EPA.
- Protect our national parks from the oil industry.
- Save the endangered species.
Taxes are unavoidable, how else are things paid for?
- Protect the IRS so they can go after the super-rich who cheat and use loopholes to not pay any or hardly any taxes.
- Get rid of the loopholes and tricks for the rich while filing taxes.
- The average American pays more taxes than the super-rich do. Tax the super-rich and the budget would be balanced.
- Once again get money out of politics, so the rich corporations and individuals who cheat cannot bribe politicians to vote against them paying their fair share.
CHILDREN & Education
- Children have the right to be able to read and study more, not less.
- Children have the right to feel safe in school from gun violence.
- Children have the right not to die by gun fire, which is the number one killer of children in this country!
- Children have the right to free pre-K.
- Foster children should not be thrown into the streets on their 18th birthday. We must support them longer, and do more to get them ready for their adult lives. 75% of foster children end up homeless and in sex trades because of a lack of help and basic empathy.
- Students need to be told the whole truth about accumulating student debt before they take a loan. Teach students to look for grants instead of loans, even if it means they will have to take a longer period of time to achieve their educational goals.
- A non-partisan federal computer design for calculating district and county boundaries to stop gerrymandering, should be adopted.
- Federal law that says all legal citizens who are accused of a felony and have finished their punishment, should be able to vote.
- Corporate money and dark money need to be illegal in campaigns.
- Lying about an election’s integrity without real proof should be punishable by law.
- ALL intimidation of any kind towards any individual or specific group of voters should be punishable by law.
- Nation-wide consistency for all election laws.
- End the electoral college. It is archaic and unfair. It does not represent democracy, and can be corrupted easily, as we have seen.
- Only use the popular vote where everyone’s individual vote is counted.
All mistakes that Social Security, SNAP and HUD make are their responsibility NOT the recipients.
- All programs should have a non-partisan judge to go before for appeals, not an employee or legal team from that organization.
- New calculation formulas need to be invented for determining payments.
- When Social Security gives a raise, it should be an amount and not a percentage. The poorest should get the most and the richest the least especially when the poorest live below the poverty line.
- More protection for the renters of HUD properties, instead of the owners.
- More accountability for the owners of HUD Properties when receiving payments to repair items. Was the money used appropriately?
- Owners of HUD properties are NOT allowed to be on the state HUD boards.
- All books kept by HUD owners must be reviewed by independent accountants assigned by HUD NOT the owners.
- When these programs tell us what our rights are, they need to provide lawyers to help us get those rights, NOT lawyers from legal aid. Especially when owners mistreat residents.
- Social Security disability must make it easier for the disabled to run for political office.
- Our disabled veterans should be our top priority. It is a disgrace to this country how we treat our veterans.
- Being unhoused is not a crime. It is a tragedy. We need more affordable housing.
Medicare &
- Expansion of medicaid, not gutting it.
- Free health insurance for all, not just some.
- Drug prices should be the same for medications as they are in Canada and Mexico. Same drugs = same prices.
- All innocent victims caught in the crossfire of war need to be supported.
- As democracy has been under attack here in the U.S and around the world, we should always support any country that wants to become, or continue to be a democracy.
- There is no room in the world for hate, bigotry or discrimination against any group of people, and we as the United States should always fight for those freedoms.
Add Your Heading Text Here
Women should once again and permanently have the right to CHOOSE their own reproductive care needs, including care for abortions, miscarriages and any other care that has to do with their reproductive systems. When a woman does not have the right to make decisions about her own body, she is not a free citizen.
Woman should have the right to be paid equally for the same job as a man. We have been fighting this one way too long.
Children Marriage needs to be abolished in all 50 states. 44 states still allow underage children to be married. The large majority are young underage girls, marrying much older adult men. They are usually forced to marry their abusers in most cases, which protects the abusers from prosecution. It is disgusting and irreprehensible and must stop!
Victims of sexual abuse including males, should be able to report their abuse and prosecute, without time limits. 34 states still have time limits as to when a child or adult can report their abuse and prosecute their abusers.
* The community will have the same rights as the straight community.
* Codify the right of gay couples to marry
* Protection from discrimination of any kind.
* Gay parents will have the same rights to adopt a child and will go through have the same requirements as a straight couple and will not be discriminated against.
* Parents should decide what to do about their own child’s health care needs, including transgender issues.
* Parents should decide what their own children should read and study.
Children have the right to be able to read and study more, not less.
Children have the right to feel safe in school from gun violence.
Children have the right not to die by gun fire, which is the number one killer of children in this country!
* Stop the insanity!! Gun violence is the number one killer of children in this country!!!!
* Stricter gun laws and red flag laws.
* Guns need to be kept out of the hands of the mentally ill and the addicted.
* I stand with the police and veterans who agree that assault weapons of any type, need to be kept off the streets and out of the homes of Americans. These are machines of war, invented for nothing else but killing as many as quickly as possible.
* Hate and discrimination must be punished.
* More judges and legal help to speed up immigration status.
* Cruelty free and human border policies
* A final and clear path to citizenship for all immigrants and DACA recipients.
* Faster path to work permits.
* New and common-sense ideas for the border.
* Take money out of politics, so the fossil fuel industry cannot bribe politicians, while they watch the earth die.
* More clean energy, less fossil fuels.
* Protect the EPA.
* Protect our national parks from the oil industry.
* Save the endangered species.
* Taxes are unavoidable, how else are things paid for?
* Protect the IRS so they can go after the super-rich who cheat and use loopholes to not pay any or hardly any taxes.
* Get rid of the loopholes and tricks for the rich while filing taxes.
* The average American pays more taxes than the super-rich do. Tax the super-rich and the budget would be balanced.
* Once again get money out of politics, so the rich corporations and individuals who cheat cannot bribe politicians to vote against them paying their fair share.
* A non-partisan federal computer design for calculating district and county boundaries to stop gerrymandering, should be adopted.
* Federal law that says all legal citizens who are accused of a felony and have finished their punishment, should be able to vote.
* Corporate money and dark money need to be illegal in campaigns.
* Lying about an election’s integrity without real proof should be punishable by law.
* ALL intimidation of any kind towards any individual or specific group of voters should be punishable by law.
* All mistakes that Social Security, SNAP and HUD make are their responsibility NOT the recipients.
* All programs should have a non-partisan judge to go before for appeals, not an employee or legal team from that organization.
* New calculation formulas need to be invented for terminating payments.
* When Social Security gives a raise, it should be an amount and not a percentage. The poorest should get the most and the richest the least especially when the poorest live below the poverty line.
* More protection for the renters of HUD properties, instead of the owners.
* More accountability for the owners of HUD Properties when receiving payments to repair items. Was the money used appropriately?
* Owners of HUD properties are NOT allowed to be on the state HUD boards.
* All books kept by HUD owners must be reviewed by independent accountants assigned by HUD NOT the owners.
* When these programs tell us what our rights are, they need to provide lawyers to help us get those rights, NOT lawyers from legal aid. Especially when owners mistreat residents.
* Social Security disability must make it easier for the disabled to run for political office.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of every successful campaign. Join the Love Thy Neighbor campaign and together we can make positive change!